Saturday, May 3, 2008

How to Cut Car Insurance Costs By More Than 10%

Fact: to drive legally in the United Kingdom, you are required to have car insurance to protect themselves and other drivers. It is one of the inevitable costs of owning and driving a vehicle road.
Whilst on car insurance is a fact of life, there are high premiums. There are many ways of controlling the cost of their premiums from motor insurance and even reverse the recent increases in some cases. Here are a few tips that can save you well over 10% on your car insurance in this year.
1. Search online for the best price. Often, we work with a specific car dealers insurer " for your convenience ". Before snatching the first motor insurance you find, do some research and shop. Use a price comparison site to compare various policies side by side. Car insurance rates can vary by hundreds of pounds for exactly the same cover.
2. Purchase online at the site of the insurer. Many, if not most, insurance companies offer discounts when you buy your heavy coverage online. Why? They save time and money in commissions that the official form. It is normal to offer a discount of 10% when you buy your car insurance online. While not everyone can buy online, there may be significant savings and if you can do.
3. Review when you renew. Do not you just renew policy when the time rolls around. Go over it to make sure it still meets your needs and circumstances - and then request a new quote. Insurers will almost always offer a lower price when you& 39;re shopping around for policy than when you think they have hooked.
4. Protect your car. Since its award is based on the risk of damage or loss of your car, you must take all measures to make the car safer and will reduce your insurance premium. Park-the street or in a garage, add a steering lock or an alarm and see their premiums go down.
5. Drive less. Unless you drive, your lower chance of being involved in an accident. If your mileage is lower than usual, tell your insurer and find out if they offer a low mileage discount.
6. Be honest in its application. While this technique will not reduce its insurance premium, it can make a huge difference when you make a request. It may be tempting to claim your auntie & 39; s suburban as its address garaging site and knock some kilos of his prize - but if you need to make a complaint, the insurance company can find out. If you prove misrepresented the facts on your application, your claim will be refused and may end up responsible for any damage from the accident to boot.
7. Pay in full at the beginning of politics. Check with your insurer to find out if you are charged more to pay in installments. In essence, when you pay in installments, you are taking a loan with the prize for their insurance company, and paying them back - with interest.
8. Pay by direct debit. If you choose to be paid in installments, find out if your insurance premium discounts her, when you pay by direct debit. Since the direct debit significantly decreases the likelihood of late payments and lost, most of the insurers are happy to beat some quid off when you pay the premium that way.
9. Add an extra driver for your policy. In some cases, adding another driver to its policy vai lower your premium, especially if the driver is older, female and have a good driving record.
10. Take a defensive driving course. Many insurance companies will discount if you complete your insurance premium or a course in defensive driving. In general, anything that reduces his accident or lower risk losing your car insurance May premiums.
To find more ways to control your trip car insurance premiums. You& 39;ll find a complete list of insurance policy with cheap car reviews written by real customers.

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Home Insurance Meets Technology

Buying home insurance has become easier for homeowners. With the expansion of the Internet in households, companies like Direct Line Home Insurance have found it beneficial to the company and consumers to use the technology.
Just a few years ago, consumers were forced to make several telephone calls or visits with several agents in order to go shopping for insurance policies. Even then, it is sometimes impossible to wade through the mass jargon of the industry to determine what is covered and what amount.
Today, the Internet allows consumers to buy insurance for the home with a few clicks of the button . Often, it is possible to apply for coverage of certain taxes and receive from several companies. It is then up to the consumer to choose the company that best suits their business needs.
Doing via the Internet is something that Hotline has been doing for most of his life company. When started if business in 1985, was the first insurance company in the United Kingdom to use the phone as their main communication. Now, not only sell policies by telephone and via the Internet, but customers can also file claims in the same manner.
Doing business online allows insurance companies to cut out the middleman - the players who have received large commissions for each of policies sold. Companies like Direct Line Home Insurance have decided to pass these savings on to future generations consumer.
As continue to do business through technology like the Internet, insurance companies will be forced to adapt in order to compete. Direct Line Home Insurance continues to be at the forefront of technology. In 1999, he became the first company to offer a credit card to be requested and granted, along the telephone.
Kathryn Lang is a freelance writer for financial services, and contribute to the FM insurance, and has been following the evolution of Direct Line Home Insurance

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